Sunday, January 24, 2010

Finishing touch

Shadows are trouble for me. It seems that I can not get the right amount of contrast without darkening the whole area, like it just happened with one side of the church. Well, it is just paper, right? Back to the drawing board, with more practice and observation, but if anybody knows of a good book about light and shadow please let me know!


Sarah said...

Kate (Cathy) Johnson from the EDM group has written several books - here's a link to her catalog - I think it's just a matter of practice then and looking at how others do it! Have fun

Anonymous said...

Hi - I think your church with the dark wall looks GREAT. I think it is actually correct. I am a painter who draws, so I am forever looking at lights and darks rather than the shapes. One of my acrylics students said to me ' if you get the tones right you can get away with MURDER'.

Unknown said...

I personally think it's a great sketch! Although, I'm no expert on tone, which is why I'm focusing on it this year.

Krista Meister said...

I agree with quirkyartist - the shadow looks right to me too. Books by Laurel Hart (Putting People in your Paintings), Jan Kunz (Painting Watercolor Portraits that Glow), Jan Hart (sorry, can't remember title) talk about the 40% rule in sunlight. If your lightest value is a "1", then the shadow side should be a "5", or 4 values darker. This does not apply to cast shadows apparently. Hope this helps, but I am no expert about it.

Alex said...

I seriously can't find any fault with this one. I like how the colors go from opaque to transparent, that indicates a lot of depth too. Perhaps yes some dark is necessary to make everything "Pops" out ^^ but I like the soft style as well... I think it's a great drawing!

nanke's stuff said...

I agree - I think it works just fine! nancy

Dee said...

I think your shadow is just fine. Perhaps the reason that you feel it is so visible is that it's right next to WHITE... and that makes a big contrast that immediately draws our eyes. What about coloring part of the roof closest to the shadow (fading out to white near the bottom if you prefer) and see how that works? Nice job overall, though. I admire people who tackle cityscapes.

Ramona Davidson said...

Your art is beautiful. I think what you have done is excellent. Good work.

donna said...

I think it look great!