Monday, February 15, 2010

Drawing and experimenting

While trying to focus on drawing with pen and avoiding pencil (or mostly, the temptation to erase), I could not resist giving this sketch a touch of color, but the only pigments available on my backpack were a pack of Pilot Highlighting markers, the kind you can remove by friction. Although I felt the need, I was very hesitant —read afraid― to apply color. It happens every time: I really have to muster up the courage to apply a few touches. Oh! How I admire those with a bold sense of color! (Just look at Miguel's sketches here) Sometimes I ask myself if I could live in a black and white movie, but then a little voice tells me to remember that I used to love all the visible light spectrum, so, what happened? Well... somewhere along the road my "color sense" got kinda blocked, or spooked. So I must cajole it gently to come back to reason and treat itself to the brand new tubes of watercolor that have been patiently awaiting for it to raise from its depression. I wish to become a fearless sketcher, a free soul to experiment with tracing, estimating, measuring, highlighting the features and essence of what captures my curiosity and desire to understand this world.
(And the little voice whispers: That's enough blogging, aren't you supposed to sketch?)


Anonymous said...

Wow, you did a great job on this for only having highlighters to work with. I balk when it comes to color, too. You aren't alone. But, I think you're going to be fine, if this is any indication.

nanke's stuff said...

Well, you certainly did do a great job with this color .... fear not - you've got it! nancy

Janene said...

Beautiful--and bold! Very well done.

E*phi said...

I must say: I LOVE the color! Really! It's perfect. Just as the rest of the drawing. I like the style a lot. I feel you: I'm, too, forbidding myself to use pencil/eraser for now. And I'm very hesitant with colors, always being afraid of "ruining" an otherwise nice sketch...
Let's be brave and keep experimenting! <3

debra said...

Great sketches, I like the use of colour so be bold

Anonymous said...

The sketch and color are both great! Thanks.

Unknown said...

I think you did a fabulous job for only having highlighters with you! I'm still learning about color; I was very much like you describe yourself in the beginning. I'm slowing getting the color.

Sarah said...

it looks great! I think people build up to bold colour -
as Miguel uses it - I was following his blog for a long while and he didn't always use colour as he does now.