Monday, July 7, 2008

Creature and the Celestial Bells

I liked Creature. So I looked up their info and discovered they were performing again the very next day, in the context of a Street Theatre Festival in Lachine. The Festival featured the Celestial Bells. A french troupe of musicians and acrobats that perform some 180 feet above ground, attached to a mobile structure that spins and opens its petal-like armature like a gigantic steel flower.

Me gustó Creature. Busqué más información y descubrí que se presentarían al día siguiente en el contexto del Festival de Teatro de Calle de Lachine. La presentación estelar del festival era el Carrillón Celeste: una troupe francesa de músicos y acróbatas que ofrecen su espectáculo suspendidos a 60 metros de altura, trepados a una estructura móbil que gira y abre sus pétalos metálicos como si fuera una gigantesca flor de acero.


kazumiwannabe said...

ça a l'air incroyable, ce truc, Créature! J'aime beaucoup ton croquis des musiciens, aussi.

Margaret McCarthy Hunt said...

lovely sketches...great job on lively and immediate...and great character in the lines

Linda T said...

I love your sketches. You have a wonderful line quality.