Thursday, April 30, 2009

Close to the park

This was a beautiful spring morning and although I had a number of errands to run I didn't feel like driving. On my way to the bank I couldn't help it: the drawing bug bit me and I had to stop, scratch the itch, and draw this house...


Alex said...

^^ I think you've made the right choice doing so. There's always some rights in wrongs, and some wrongs in rights(not trying to sound Yin/Yang).
The house sketch is nice as any of your other house sketches :)

winna said...

This sketch caught my eye but faintly---it looks wonderful---can you let your light shine more?

Unknown said...

Beautiful sketch, but I would use a softer lead so it's darker. One trick I use, if I happen to have done the sketch in HB, is to darken the scan. Does your scanner have a place to darken? Once I used a terra cotta col-erase pencil; it was very light. But the scan, when darkened, actually looked good!

seesue said...

Your house sketches are awesome.

andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

lovely drawing